
Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere RPG

Created by Brotherwise Games

Beginning with The Stormlight Archive and expanding to Mistborn, this original tabletop RPG will grow to support the entire Cosmere!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pledge Surveys Out! And FAQs.
10 days ago – Thu, Oct 17, 2024 at 01:35:49 PM

Greetings Worldhoppers! 

We have officially sent out ALL pledge surveys. If you have not received yours, please contact BackerKit Support by visiting this link.

Speaking of Backerkit Support, we'd like to thank the whole team for helping with this launch AND fielding many of the help requests that have come in. We're thrilled with how smoothly the pledge manager launch has gone; they've been a big part of that. That's not to say we haven't run into any hiccups, but we are pleased to report that most of these issues were resolved quickly and without impacting anyone's surveys. Here are some of the "patch notes" of what we've adjusted and resolved: 

$1 Add On Tier: We noticed an issue where some of our $1 Add On backers were not able to enter their shipping address. This has been corrected, so if you encountered this error, please log back in to make sure to check that you have entered your shipping address. 

STL miniatures were missing from the Digital Only add on: We added the STL Miniatures to that add on and it now has all the items it should. 

Deleting campaign-purchased add-ons is now so simple! In the add-ons screen of your pledge manager survey, you will see a trash can icon. Clicking this icon will remove the item, but keep the credit so that you can add additional items! See below.

Apple IDs: We are still having some issues with backers who used Apple IDS in Kickstarter. If you are trying to contact us or Backerkit using them, please know that we cannot reply to those IDs. If you need to contact us to update your email, contact us through Kickstarter messenger or at [email protected].


Here are answers to some  FAQs that we've been hearing:

Do I need to pay VAT if I live in a VAT-friendly zone? No! If you're in one of the VAT-friendly zones listed on the Kickstarter campaign page, we will arrange for the product to ship from within that zone and cover VAT. Conversely, if you live in a country that charges VAT/Duties but is outside of one of those zones, note that you may be charged duties when taking delivery of your rewards.

Can I get a description of what each VTT offers? We've asked our partners for succinct descriptions of what each VTT includes and offers, but if you are looking to answer your survey quickly, we recommend visiting their webpages and doing a little research. Everyone's tastes in interfaces and tools are different, and we want you to make the most informed decision you can based on your tastes.

When will you be Charging Cards and closing down the pledge manager? We're likely to charge cards in December, sometime after Dragonsteel Nexus. But... we'll likely keep the pledge manager open for a month or so after that, just in case you get the itch for something that you didn't have in your order before!

If you have any additional questions about your pledge survey, please comment in this update thread so that we can assist you! We'll be back with another update next month; thank you all for your continued support! 

Pledge Manager Emails Rolling Out!
16 days ago – Fri, Oct 11, 2024 at 09:35:41 AM

Happy Friday, Backers!

The Backerkit pledge manager is finalized and we've begun to send out surveys to backers. As of this morning, about 6,000 (our of 55,000) emails have gone out. We'll launch another 5,000 once this update is live, followed by increasing numbers of surveys all through next week. It's very possible you won't get your survey until the end of next week, so don't panic if you're not seeing it. Having said that, checking your spam folder is always a good idea before contacting us about missing surveys! 

As a reminder, the Backerkit pledge manager is where you'll check your items, add on anything you might have missed, and pay for shipping for all of it. So far it's been smooth sailing with no obvious issues for backers, but we did want to remind you of some things:

Using Backerkit

Matt wrote up a detailed account of how to use Backerkit in our last update. If you're new to Backerkit, we HIGHLY recommend reading the full update before going into your survey. One thing that is already tripping some people up: Your TRUE shipping costs won't show until you enter your address into the survey; you can ignore any shipping estimate that is shown before doing that.

Slip Cases

This is a reminder that ANY pledge that includes all three hard-cover Stormlight books will get those books in a decorative slip case, even if they are added on individually or in separate items. Likewise for the Mistborn books. You will NOT necessarily see the slip cases in your list of items at checkout, but rest assured, we're on top of making sure your order gets those.

Mistborn: The Deckbuilding Game

You heard that right, you can order the amazing new Mistborn game in the pledge manager. Designed by famed designer John D Clair, Mistborn: The Deckbuilding Game let's you play as an Allomancer in the mist-shrouded city of Luthadel. Fight other Allomancers, or team up to face the all powerful Lord Ruler! In either play mode you'll burn metals to gain powerful abilities to use in combat or facing missions.

Every copy of Mistborn: The Deckbuilding Game ordered via the pledge manager comes with an exclusive set of 5 holofoil hero promos, but there's a catch, the game won't ship until the first wave of campaign fulfillment next summer. So if you're looking to play the game sooner you may want to get the version available in stores this November 6th. Will you be able to get the holofoil promos later? Maybe, but not for some time after wave 1 fulfillment. We'll also have the game (with promos) at Dragonsteel Nexus this December if you plan on being there!

Digital Bundles and Upgrades

Every physical copy of Cosmere book or booklet includes a matching PDF (in Spanish or English; you'll choose!). But should you be looking for an enhanced digital option (e.g., a virtual tabletop experience) the pledge manager includes a number of digital bundles and upgrades that allow you to do so. These can all look very similar, so I wanted to do a quick walkthrough of them here. If you're not planning on getting any digital products, you can close this update and eagerly await your survey!

The Digital only Bundle with Enhanced Content is for backers looking for a purely digital experience. You don't need to have purchased anything else for this bundle to give you everything you need to play. You'll get access to the VTT (Virtual Tabletop) of your choice and it will include enhanced digital copies of all the core books and included content. 

Contrast the Digital Only Bundle with the Digital GM Upgrade. See that golden arrow in the image? It means that you can ONLY buy this upgrade if you've already selected the Game Master pledge tier. There's a similar upgrade option ONLY for those who have selected the Player pledge tier called the Digital Player Upgrade ($50). Each of these upgrades includes enhanced digital versions of the physical content included in that pledge level, and again, you'll choose the VTT to access them on.

Lastly, we have a couple of digital options that are more a la carte, allowing you to get just that one book you wanted in digital format:

The Single PDF or Enhanced VTT add on lets you pick just one of the core books to receive as a PDF or via the VTT of your choice. This is a great way to dip your toe into the Cosmere RPG. This add on is really intended for players who aren't getting any of the physical items offered in the campaign. Contrast that with the...

The Digital Book VTT Upgrade is there for backers who are already getting some or all of the physical books, and simply want to upgrade one of their already-included PDFs to an enhanced version. Perhaps you're already getting the Stormlight Handbook, but would love to access it on Roll20/Demiplane? This is the add on to use.

That's it! Now you just need to wait for your survey. If you've not received a survey by October 18th, we recommend first reaching out to Backerkit at their Contact Us page. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to us through Kickstarter DMs, or to [email protected].

Pledge Manager FAQ and Walkthrough!
23 days ago – Fri, Oct 04, 2024 at 02:34:08 PM

Greetings, Worldhoppers!

Hey everyone, it's Matt. I have an important update about the pledge manager for this project, because BACKERKIT OPENS NEXT WEEK! The goal of this update is to make sure you're ready when we notify you that the pledge manager is live. If you're new to using BackerKit for pledge management, please read this update from start to finish. There's LOTS to discuss.

When will the Pledge Manager and Late Pledges launch on BackerKit?
We're going to be "smoke testing" the Pledge Manager early next week. In a smoke test, only a small percentage of backers will get surveys. This is our chance to make sure things are working well in the pledge manager before we open it up to everyone. Later in the week, we'll start sending the surveys to everyone, but this will happen in batches, and it's possible you won't get your invite into the pledge manager until the week of the 14th. (There's no advantage to getting your invite early; no rewards are limited and it won't affect when your orders ship.) We'll open the preorder store to late pledges once all backers have access!

You keep using that word. What is the Pledge Manager?
All crowdfunding projects require a central hub to store everyone's pledge information, usually called the "pledge manager" or "PM." At Brotherwise, we've chosen BackerKit as our pledge manager for the Cosmere RPG. In BackerKit, you'll confirm your current address (which you can always change later!), pay shipping, make sure your pledge looks right, add on more fun add-ons, and pay for any outstanding charges from Kickstarter. An important note for those new to crowdfunding: You paid for your pledge in Kickstarter, but that charge did not include shipping. You will NOW need to pay for shipping in BackerKit.

What is a Late Pledge?
"Late Pledge" is a term for any pre-order made after the Kickstarter campaign ends. For this project, we kept late pledges open in Kickstarter for a few days, and NOW folks who missed the campaign will have another chance to make a late pledge on BackerKit. All items, pledge tiers, and timing for product purchased in BackerKit will remain the same as what we offered during the Kickstarter campaign.

What is a Smoke Test?
During the pledge manager phase, a smoke test involves allowing a few randomly selected backers to access the pledge manager. We monitor their checkout experience to ensure that everything is set up correctly. This process helps us identify and correct issues before making the pledge manager available to the public. If you’re included in the smoke test, you’ll get your BackerKit email in the first half of next week. If you're not (and most of you will not be), you'll get your BackerKit invite email later. 

What can I expect from the pledge manager?
You will receive an email with the pledge manager survey link. This link will be sent to the email address you used to back the Cosmere RPG, which is also your Kickstarter account email. Please check all your email folders, including spam, junk, and trash, in case the email was accidentally deleted.

For more details, or if you have any trouble finding your survey link, click on this article. You can also contact BackerKit support at if you need further assistance.

In the next section, I’d like to review what you can expect from the pledge manager survey.


When you receive the pledge manager invite link, you’ll be directed to your survey, which will look identical to the picture above. Be sure to fill out the correct shipping country and state/region before continuing. 

If you would like to do so, you can switch your pledge level immediately by clicking the tiny blue "Switch your Pledge Level" link below the "Get Started" button, as pictured above.

Once you click the "Get Started" button, you will be asked a series of questions intended to make sure you understand how pledge fulfillment will work. Please make sure to read all of them entirely.

Please remember the following information: If your order is eligible for Slip Cases, they will not be listed as included items. We'll ensure that every eligible backer receives these items.

Depending on your pledge level, you may also receive additional questions regarding your order, especially for those in the ‘E-Reader’ and ‘Reader’ tiers, which require selecting two options among the six available books. The fun part begins once all questions are answered: the Pledge Manager store! 


Here, you’ll notice on the right every single item you receive based on the pledge tier you backed during the campaign, including any add-ons that you purchased. In our Pledge Manager Store you can also add additional pledge tiers, individual items, and even some new add-ons for Stormlight completists. Check them out below!

We’re also including our brand-new Mistborn Deckbuilding Game; but remember, it won’t ship until the second half of 2025! If you live in the US, we recommend you purchase that game on its own (at Barnes & Noble, your local game store, or when it releases next month. We’re offering it on BackerKit primarily for international customers who want to save on shipping costs by combining it with their RPG order. The game will include five holofoil promo cards (also available when you purchase the game via Dragonsteel).


Once you’ve chosen all your add-ons, you will then move on to submitting your shipping information. The shipping information is very important to submit, but if ever you need to change it you can do so by editing your order in BackerKit. We'll keep that option open until we're just about ready to ship, so you've got a while to make adjustments. If you need assistance changing your address, don't hesitate to reach out to BackerKit for support! 


Note that even though you'll be entering your payment information here, you will NOT be charged for shipping or these extra add-ons until later this year. (We will update you all in a future official update with this exact date, but for now, it’s too soon to schedule.) NOTE: PAYPAL will not be an option for payment with this pledge manager.

Once you have submitted your shipping information and payment, you will be greeted with this completion screen!  PRO TIP: BOOKMARK THIS PAGE

It's a good idea to bookmark the completion page so you can easily access the pledge manager. In the top right corner, you'll see "Edit your Order," which is vital if you need to make changes after submitting your information. You may need to update shipping details and payment information or edit your pledge responses before the pledge manager closes.

And that’s it! You have successfully completed your pledge manager, and you can leave the rest of the work to us! At this time, we do not have an exact date as to when we will close the pledge or take payment for shipping. Rest assured, we will post those precise dates in a future update. We will focus on launching and assisting with any help requests for now. 

Contact BackerKit regarding your pledge if you need any help. Their team has been so excited to help with this project and has even increased support to assist with its scale! We cannot thank them enough! 


The Next Step
about 1 month ago – Fri, Sep 27, 2024 at 09:08:52 AM

A few weeks ago, this campaign shattered records as the #1 RPG, #1 game, and #3 all-time campaign on Kickstarter. Since then, we’ve been hard at work behind the scenes. Today, we’re sharing a short update to ensure everyone’s ready for what comes next.

BackerKit is Coming!

The next step of this project is to open the BackerKit pledge manager, which you’ll use to confirm your add-ons, pay for shipping, and enter your address. Once it launches, the pledge manager will remain open for several weeks. Here’s a sneak peek at that interface:

We’ve been taking extra time to ensure that BackerKit is set up correctly, and this campaign has a lot of moving parts! To avoid any mistakes, we’re extending this process by a few more days. We’ll send another update next week with exact timing and detailed pledge manager instructions.

Development Update

In the meantime, the Cosmere RPG team has been working hard to get our Stormlight files ready for the printers! The Stormlight Handbook is in layout and currently being reviewed by proofreaders. The Stormlight World Guide has just progressed through Dragonsteel approvals and is now moving to layout.

The success of this Kickstarter has meant we’ve been able to expand content and art! The Stormlight Handbook, for example, was originally planned for 256 pages. We’ve been able to add 100 pages of content, including expanded examples and GM guidance. That also means more art! Here’s an awesome new piece by Lie Setiawan, featuring Nale and Lift:

And here’s another two-page spread from that chapter, depicting an example endeavor. Our original Elsecaller, Willshaper, and Edgedancer characters are illustrated here by Antti Hakosaari.

We’re doing our best to add this content while sticking to our schedules, which means the team has been hustling! It’s a busy but exciting time, with half the team focused on final Stormlight prep while the rest of the team is focused on Mistborn design.

Always the Next Step

We can never say it enough: thank you for everything you’ve done to make this project possible. This project is a huge undertaking, with new problems to solve every day, but working on it is truly delightful. On any given day, we might be learning new details about Fused from Brandon, playtesting different Twinborn combinations, or admiring new illustrations from our favorite artists. We’re so excited to get this game into your hands so you can experience all of that joy for yourselves!

Staff Spotlight: Welden Bringhurst

We’ll end tonight’s update with one more Staff Spotlight! Welden is our specialist in stress-testing mechanics, finding broken combos, and applying statistical analysis to combat math. While we’ve processed thousands of playtest reports during this campaign, Welden takes testing to the next level as a valuable member of our development team.

Welden Bringhurst is a hapa game designer, writer, and business analyst. After reading Mistborn he instantly developed an obsession with the Cosmere and has been a stalwart fan ever since. His past work in the TTRPG space includes Adventures in Rokugan and Tomb of Iuchiban. Welden loves breaking games almost as much as he enjoys playing them. He specializes in game mechanics and combat systems. In his free time, he enjoys spoiling his nieces and nephews, fencing, reading, creating overly complex spreadsheets, and coaching high school Esports.

There's No Stopping the Cosmere RPG!
about 2 months ago – Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 10:30:35 PM

Worldhoppers, we've done it! With over 50,000 backers and $14.5 million raised, the Cosmere RPG is now the #1 game campaign of all time and the #3 Kickstarter of all time! For 23 days, this project has felt unstoppable.

And at the moment, it literally is. Late pledges were supposed to start tomorrow, but they seem to have kicked in shortly after the campaign closed. This wasn't intentional, but we'll go ahead and roll with it! We're happy to add more folks to the Cosmere RPG community.

And what a community it has been. Thanks for such a positive, high-energy, exciting campaign! Cosmere fans are truly the best, and from the very first day to tonight's livestream, this campaign has been a heart-warming experience.

The team celebrates on Discord and on the livestream

On September 22 we'll share a Kickstarter update that shares everything you need to know before our pledge manager goes live during the week of the 23rd. Between now and then, Kickstarter will be charging credit cards and beginning to transfer funds. The pledge manager will be live through October and into November.

That's all for tonight! From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for starting this journey with us. This is just the beginning.