FAQ: Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere® RPG
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

[SYSTEM] What drove the core system design decisions for this RPG?

When our team set out to choose the core system for this RPG, we knew that no existing ruleset would perfectly capture the scope and tone of the Cosmere. For example, a 5e-compatible system with rigid classes would not capture the diverse character backgrounds we see in the Cosmere. However, we also wanted to provide a system that would be easy to pitch to new players, one with familiar elements like “roll a d20 and try to get a high number.” Using d20-based mechanics as a foundation meant the team had a common language and strong understanding of the underlying math, allowing us to focus our efforts on the challenge of bringing together multiple worlds, magic systems, and technology levels.

Last updated: August 05, 2024 14:41

[SYSTEM] How far has the Cosmere RPG team planned ahead? What are the current plans for Mistborn and Elantris?

From the earliest stage of system design, the team has known this would be a Cosmere RPG. In developing our core systems, we drafted rough designs for how they would support different magic systems and technology levels. Mistborn development has been underway for most of 2024. The next step for the RPG, whether that’s a Worldhopper or Elantris sourcebook, depends on fan feedback and Brandon’s writing plans.

Last updated: August 05, 2024 14:41

[SYSTEM] Will this RPG have a solo mode?

Most RPGs with solo modes are either purpose-built as such, or have highly narrative mechanics optimized for “journaling” play. Having said that, solo play is possible in any system, and it’s something we expect to hear requests for in this campaign. Depending on the volume of those requests, we’ll consider how much of our development resources we should divert to solo features.

Last updated: August 05, 2024 15:04

[SYSTEM] Will the Cosmere RPG allow third-party content?

We want to give make some opportunities for fans and content creators to play in this universe. Currently, fan art and fan fiction (but not games) are allowed by Dragonsteel under the terms of their fan content policy:


Brotherwise will be working with Dragonsteel to provide an updated policy that includes fan content for the Cosmere RPG, provided it is non-commercial use, contains the correct attributions/disclaimers, and does not contain any copyrighted artwork or logos (except for a specific set of icons required for play, such as the Opportunity and Complication icons).

In the future, Brotherwise intends to share an OGL (Open Gaming License) version of the underlying ruleset (known internally as the Plotweaver™ System), but one which removes any reference to Dragonsteel IP. We love this system and want to share it, but for now our focus is on building out the Cosmere!

In the meantime, one form of fan content is explicitly allowed and encouraged: recorded or live streamed coverage and actual plays! If you are playing or talking about this system on YouTube, Twitch, Moonbeam, or any other platform, you can do so with confidence (even if that content is monetized), as long as your content does not run afoul of any other guidelines mentioned here.

Last updated: August 08, 2024 09:09

[DIGITAL] Will digital PDFs be included in the non-digital pledges?

Yes, every named pledge level (Player and above) includes PDFs of the physical books shipped for that pledge level.

Last updated: August 08, 2024 09:14

[DIGITAL] When and how will the sourcebook PDFs be released?

We’ll release PDFs for every book in this campaign via DriveThruRPG. The timing is likely to be in Q2 2025, but the exact date will be based on our physical book production timeline.

Last updated: August 08, 2024 09:14

[DIGITAL] What is "Enhanced Digital" and how do those Add-Ons work?

A lot of TTRPG players use digital tools to streamline gameplay and connect with players around the world. While all named pledge levels include standard PDFs, selecting a “Digital Book Upgrade” option means you will also receive access to integrated content on Fantasy Grounds or Roll20/Demiplane. These platforms offer rich features like VTT (Virtual Tabletop) integration, online dice rollers, and dynamically linked rulebooks. If you pledge at the GM or Collector level, you can select the “Digital GM Upgrade” (+$80 USD) to receive Enhanced Digital copies of all six books in your pledge!

Last updated: August 08, 2024 09:14

[DIGITAL] How long will the Demiplane demo be available for free?

The Demiplane Character Builder demo will be open during the campaign and through the end of our BackerKit pledge manager. The Beta content will then close, because it is non-final content. After that time, you will need to purchase the Enhanced Digital (Demiplane/Roll20) Add-Ons to maintain access to that service, including any online character sheets you created during the Beta.

Last updated: August 08, 2024 09:14

[LANGUAGE] Will you be offering the books in languages other than English?

While we working with multiple language partners right now to offer localized versions of the Cosmere RPG books in multiple language, the physical books shipping for this campaign will ALL be in English.

However, because we know there are so many Spanish-speaking Cosmere fans, we will make Spanish-language PDFs available to backers. We are also working with localization around the world, so physical Stormlight books will be available in Spanish and other non-English languages as early as 2026. (However, even books shipping to backers of this Kickstarter in 2026 will be in English, since the Spanish hardcovers will have a separate publishing deal.)

Last updated: August 08, 2024 09:14

[MINIATURES] Can I order the miniature sets from your past campaign?

Yes, you’ll find both unpainted miniatures sets for The Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, Oathbringer, and Rhythm of War in the Add-Ons section, as well as painted 75 mm figurines of your favorite characters! It’s likely that even more sets, such as the Army Builders pack or the Chasmfiend, will be available in the BackerKit pledge manager.

Last updated: August 08, 2024 09:14

[MINIATURES] Will a Wind and Truth miniatures set be available during this campaign?

No. The characters included in that set would be a spoiler for the novel, and working with Brandon to design those miniatures would have delayed other aspects of the project. Instead, we focused on original/generic characters who are optimized for RPG play!

Last updated: August 08, 2024 09:14

[SHIPPING] If I order Mistborn products in my pledge, will all my products, including Stormlight products, ship during Wave 2?

No. As shown in the shipping chart, we’ll ship in two waves. The first wave of Stormlight-oriented products will ship in 2025 and the second wave of Mistborn books will ship in 2026. To manage the already complex logistics of this project, we do not offer the option to combine those shipments.

Last updated: August 08, 2024 09:14

[SHIPPING] How much will I pay for shipping various add ons?

Add-On shipping costs will be available in the Backerkit pledge manager. In general, they will ship by weight. You can estimate the ranges by looking at the differences in shipping costs between the different physical pledge levels. Note that if you only pledge for Stormlight OR Mistborn items, that single shipment will cost less than the total Stormlight + Mistborn prices specified in the Shipping section of our Kickstarter page.

Last updated: August 08, 2024 09:14

[DIGITAL] Will Alchemy support be coming for the Cosmere RPG?

That’s not yet confirmed, but we’re in discussion with both companies and we’ve heard a lot of requests for both! It’s our intention to make these options available, but this will likely take place after the Kickstarter campaign.

Last updated: August 16, 2024 13:48

Shipping Updates
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!
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I completed the survey, but haven't received my rewards yet. When will they arrive?

As BackerKit does not actually handle any rewards or shipping, the best way to stay updated on the shipping timeline would be to check out the project's updates page.

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